The study is based on public information provided by the National Trade Register Office regarding all audited entities within the county of Cluj. In accordance with the legal provisions, the audited entities must notify, in case they meet the legal requirements, if they contract financial audit jobs. The processed information refers to the connection of the management’s nature and the source of the capital for these entities with the frequency of the changes occurred in the structure of the entity and/or of the social capital. Operations of such nature, considered for the period 2005-2012, refer on one side to absorption mergers, dissolutions without liquidation followed by merger, partial divisions and transfer of the audited entity’s headquarters in other counties (positive operations) and on the other side to operations of liquidation, insolvency, dissolution followed by liquidation, temporary suspension of activity for a maximum period of 3 years (negative operations). Positive operations are considered by authors to have as an impact the optimization of the indicators of financial position and/or performance, and the negative operations as those unlikely to meet the principle of activity continuity. The study aims to determine whether there is a correlation between a certain type of corporate governance on one side and the frequency of the two categories of changes in the structure of the activity and/or of the social capital. Conclusions are relevant for at least two reasons: the study is exhaustive, there have been taken into consideration all the audited entities in the county of Cluj and, moreover, the analyzed period is very expansive (the last seven financial years). On the other hand, from the previous studies it appears that within audited entities there is a higher preponderance of foreign management in comparison with a more moderate foreign investment. Relevant in this respect are the findings regarding the nature of the changes in the structure of the activity and/or of the social capital within the audited entities where there is an overlap between the foreign governance and the foreign investment.