摘要:Evolutionary computation (EC) has been recently recognized as a research field, whichstudies a new type of algorithms: Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). These algorithms processpopulations of solutions as opposed to most traditional approaches which improve a singlesolution. All these algorithms share common features: reproduction, random variation,competition and selection of individuals. During our research it was evident that somecomponents of EAs should be re-examined. Hence, specific topics such as multiple crossoversper couple and its enhancements, multiplicity of parents and crossovers and their application tosingle and multiple criteria optimization problems, adaptability, and parallel genetic algorithms,were proposed and investigated carefully. This paper show the most relevant and recentenhancements on recombination for a genetic-algorithm-based EA and migration controlstrategies for parallel genetic algorithms. Details of implementation and results are discussed
关键词:Evolutionary algorithms; multirecombination; parallel genetic algorithms; strategies;for migration control