摘要:A Fundamentals of Computing Theory course in-volves different topics that are core to the Com-puter Science curricula and whose level of abstrac-tion makes them difficult both to teach and to learn.Such difficulty stems from the complexity of the ab-stract notions involved and the required mathematicalbackground. Surveys conducted among our studentsshowed that many of them were applying some theo-retical concepts mechanically rather than developingsignificant learning. This paper shows a number of di-dactic strategies that we introduced in the Fundamen-tals of Computing Theory curricula to cope with theabove problem. The proposed strategies were basedon a stronger use of technology and a constructivistapproach. The final goal was to promote more signif-icant learning of the course topics
关键词:Computer Science Education; Funda-;mentals of Computing Theory; Informatics Technol-;ogy; Constructivism