摘要:This work presents an interaction model among collab-orative agents based on dialogues. For the specifica-tion we use a formalism, called Dialogue Games,whichallows to describe the nature of the utterances avail-able in each dialogue. We propose an interaction lan-guage which favors deliberation and argumentation-based negotiation among BDI agents. For each locu-tion's specification we establish a set of preconditions,its meaning, the expected responses, and the modifica-tions that it could produce. The interaction proto coland the interaction language as a whole can be usedfor specifying meaningful interaction between dialog-ical partners by following the rules of an individualdialogue.
关键词:Collaboration; Deliberation; Negotia-;tion; Argumentation; Interaction Language; Interac-;tion Protocol; Dialogue Games