摘要:A system represents a set of dependent elements forming a single unitary entity. A particular type of system is the economic one which may define economic components and mechanisms such as a company, an industry, a field of the national economy and so on. Any system receives inp ut from the outside word, which is processed and results in out. The accurate transformation of the input into output is made by a feedback loop. The quality of the output of any system is dependent on the functional characteristics and efficiency of the decision system, operating system and information system. The decision system is composed by specialists that are using specific methods and techniques to plan, forecast, decide, organize, coordinate and control the operating system functioning in order to successfully achieve its goals, meaning the management. The entire activity carried on in a system depends on the quality of the management. The information system manages all the information existing at the level of the system in question by using specific methods and techniques. Therefore, the management is directly and fully dependent on the characteristics of the information system available and on the way in which information can be accessed, processed and used in specific activities. In the last years the power of the information over the quality of the ma nagement was more and more visible. The future will be the scene of a new trend in managing information and the other inputs of any system. The spiritual management is the new way to behave in a society of scarce resources and ideas. The spiritual approach in management brings a new way to access, process and use information for the benefit of high quality outputs. Automatic processing of data is combined with a spiritual way of data processing, which includes items such as intuition, knowledge of the personal and subjective behaviors of the operators, identification of opportunities. Spiritual management is the new age of management, where information has a central role and the best solutions are identified after taking into consideration subjective and personal characteristics of the operators, events and effects
关键词:data; data processing; knowledge; information system; spiritual management