摘要:In analyzing the evolution of the degree of technological specialization of regionalexports in Romania in the period of time 2000-2010, we started from the study of themodifications made in the structure of the sections included in the Combined Register (CR)for regional exports. In order to assess the degree of regional specialization, we used theBalassa indexes, and in order to emphasize the sections which have comparative advantagesor disadvantages pertaining to the exports, we determined the Dalum specialization index. Byassembling the sections included in the Combined Register into four categories oftechnological groups of products according to the classification used by UNIDO in 2005 [1](products with low, medium-low, medium-high, medium-high/high technological level – it wasimpossible to divide two of the CR sections into high or medium-high, since the chapterswithin the sections used a different classification -), we managed to create a complete imageof the technological specialization of regional exports.
关键词:technological specialization; sections of the Combined Register; specialization;indexes Balassa and Dalum; comparative advantages