摘要:Students' engagements with, and exposure to, digital cultures and technologies have important implications for teaching and pedagogies. Questions arise in this constantly changing terrain, not just about content, but also what tools—both digital and analogue—bestsupport learning. Thisissue of Digital Culture & Education (DCE)brings together research that focuses onlearners' and educators' encounters with, and use of,digital culture.Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this issuesteps beyond the pragmatic interests of present educational policy to consider the wider issues of digital culture's influence on classroom teaching and learning.In this issue we present articles that pushthe boundariesof research on digital cultures, teaching, and technologies in fruitfuland generative directions.Researchers and practitioners in this issuepresent case studies and analysis of practical classroom use of copyright literacies, learning management systems, mobile/cell phones, social video, Twitter, and Google Reader. The articlesdemonstratehow the affordances of digital culture have shifted our understandings of how pupils learn as content can be accessed, designed,and shared. Despite theaffordances of digitalculture, teaching and learning—withand through digital technologies—requireseffective pedagogy. Digital technologies are not 'teacher-proof' tools;they require thoughtful and thorough integration into pedagogy,in a manner thatreflects carefullyarticulated instructional and learning goals