摘要:Bu .al..man.n amac., ..retmen adaylar.n.n geometrik d¨¹.¨¹nme d¨¹zeylerini ve geometriye y.nelik tutumlar.n. belirlemektir. Ara.t.rman.n evrenini, .ukurova ¨¹niversitesi E.itim Fak¨¹ltesi'nde ..renim g.ren ..retmen adaylar. olu.tururken; .rneklemini ise ayn. fak¨¹ltenin Bilgisayar ve ..retim Teknolojileri E.itimi B.l¨¹m¨¹ (B.TE), S.n.f ..retmenli.i (S.) ile Fen ve Teknoloji ..retmenli.i (FT.) Ana Bilim Dal.'nda birinci s.n.fa devam eden 304 ..retmen aday. olu.turmu.tur. Ara.t.rma, tarama modelinde bir .al..mad.r. Veri toplama arac. olarak ..retmen adaylar.n.n geometrik d¨¹.¨¹nme d¨¹zeylerini belirlemek ¨¹zere Usiskin (1982) taraf.ndan geli.tirilen "Van Hiele Geometrik D¨¹.¨¹nme Testi" kullan.lm..t.r. ..retmen adaylar.n.n tutumlar.n. belirlemek i.in ise "Geometri Tutum .l.e.i" uygulanm..t.r. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, ba..ms.z gruplar t-testi, tek y.nl¨¹ varyans analizi, Kruskal Wallis Testi, Mann Whitney-U Testi ve pearson korelasyonu uygulanm..t.r. Ara.t.rman.n sonucunda ..retmen adaylar.n.n farkl. geometrik d¨¹zeylerde yer ald.klar., geometriye y.nelik tutumlar.n.n y¨¹ksek d¨¹zeyde oldu.u ve geometrik d¨¹.¨¹nme d¨¹zeyleri ile tutumlar. aras.nda ise sadece "Kayg." boyutunda anlaml. ancak d¨¹.¨¹k bir d¨¹zeyde ili.kinin oldu.u g.zlemlenmi.tir. Ayr.ca, ..retmen adaylar.n.n geometrik d¨¹.¨¹nme d¨¹zeyleri cinsiyet, mezun olunan lise t¨¹r¨¹ ve akademik ba.ar. de.i.kenlerine g.re de.i.memektedir
其他摘要:Conducted in survey and descriptive research design, the purpose of this study was to define the teacher candidates' geometric thinking levels and their attitudes towards geometry. The sampling of the study was based on 304 students in the Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Science and Technology Education, and Primary School Education departments. In the resear ch, the "Van Hiele Geometric Thinking Test -VHGDT" and the "Geometric Attitude Scale" were used as data collection tools. Van Hiele Geometric Thinking Test (VHGDT) was developed by Usiskin (1982). As a result of the study, it was concluded that the teacher candidates were at various thinking levels. Their attitudes towards geometry were high and there was a significant but very low relationship between the "anxiety" sub-factor of the teacher candidates towards geometry and geometric thinking. In addition, the variables of gender, the type of high school they had graduated from and their academic achievement did not affect the students' geometric thinking levels
关键词:Geometri; Van Hiele Geometrik D¨¹.¨¹nme; Geometri E.itimi
其他关键词:Geometry; Van Hiele Geometric Thinking; Geometry Education