期刊名称:Lapis Lazuli : an International Literary Journal
出版社:Pinter Society of India
摘要:Edward Said's most arguable and influential book Orientalism was published in 1978 and has inspired countless appropriations and confutation from scholars around the world and it continues to shape the ways in which literary studies, Middle East studies, East and South Asian studies, architecture, politics, history, anthropology and related disciplines are conceptualized and practiced. Said's work had a great impact on thought about the colonial discourse and which particularly influenced discussion on Orientalism. Colonial discourse theory is that theory which analyses the discourse of colonialism and colonialsation; which demonstrates the way in which points out the deep ambivalence of as well as the way in which it constructs both colonising and colonized subjects (Ashcroft, 2007:15). The ground of Post-colonial studies would not be what it is today without the work of Edward Said. The work of Said makes a very influential statement on the nature of identity formation in the Postcolonial and presents, a new understanding of the links between text or critic and their material context. The term, Postcolonialism means to propose both resistance to the colonial and its discourses continue to form cultures whose revolutions have overthrown by formal ties to their former colonial rulers. This ambiguit y owes a good deal to post-structuralist linguistic theory as it has influenced and been transformed by the three most powerful Postcolonial critics Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, and Homi Bhabha