摘要:This study was implemented during the period from spring 2008 to winter 2009 in Al-Nawras Bay located in Jeddah city, KSA to monitor the seasonal fluctuation of diatoms numbers as affected by the most predominant ecological factors in the bay. Identification of the prevalent diatoms species in the four study sites was achieved. Results showed that 24 diatoms species belonging to 12 genera were detected in the four tested sites. Of those, eight species were found in all four sites, while some species were found in one site but not in the others. For example, the species Navicula sp. 1, Navicula sp. 2, Nitzschia angularis, Nitzschia sp. 3 and Surirella fastuosa were found only in site A, which is the nearest site to a discharge point of mixed ground water in the Bay. Further, both diatoms species Amphora acutiuscula, and Surirella scalaris were found in site B that is located adjacent to site A. Meanwhile, site C contained the three species Amphora sp. 1, Amphora sp. 2 and Campylodiscus sp. The control site D, which is the farthest point from the pollution source, contained six diatom species (i.e., Tricertuim dubium, Amphora sp. 3, Bacteriastrum sp., Diploneis sp., Mastogloia sp. and Surirella hybrida). In terms of nutrient content and diatom numbers, site A recorded the highest number of diatoms and the highest content of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate in comparison with the three other sites. The average number of diatoms in the four sites ranged from 2,343 to 19,188 cell/L with the fewest in site D and the highest in site A. Regarding seasonal variations of diatom numbers, the summer season significantly surpassed the other three seasons where the diatom numbers were 19,514, 9,158, 3,773 and 1,640 cell/L for summer, spring, autumn and winter, respectively. A positive, significant correlation was found between diatom numbers and transparency, nitrate, ammonia, sulphate and chlorophyll b, while a highly significant positive correlation was recorded between diatom numbers and chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c and carotenoids. In contrast, a negative correlation was detected between the diatom numbers and pH.