期刊名称:International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
出版社:Euro-Mediterranean University
摘要:the increasing competition of cities has causedthe implementation of marketing principles in local developmentstrategies. A very important segment of territorial marketing is thecity branding. This term could refer to a country, region, tourist des-tination or a city. The city branding is based on a strategic approachto public relations, stating that a change of the image is an ongoing,holistic, interactive and wide-scale process (Avraham and Ketter 2008;Hospers 2004). The paper will focus on the implementation of citybranding principles in local development (Case Study of the Cityof Bratislava). Bratislava, the largest city in Slovakia (427,000 inhab-itants), became the capital city of the autonomous Slovak Republicon January, 1st, 1993 (after the agreement on Czechoslovakia's disso-lution). The biggest challenge of the city is represented by the per-manent trailing away behind the competitive metropolises (Warsaw,Prague, and Budapest) in most of the indicators. The aim to createa modern metropolis of Central-European importance is realised inBratislava by several investments into the city infrastructure, making itthe most attractive city for current foreign investments in Slovakia