出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:Public health has been of national andinternational concern as in the process ofassuring the health standards of any nation, itinvolves mobilizing and engaging local, state,national and international resources. Since thehealth problems and issues vary from countryto country, the health policies and reformsaddressing these should also be customized.To effectively implement and practice thesedevelopments, it is necessary to scientificallyderive the lessons learnt and relate them toadequately trained and adroit healthworkforce. Winslow in his definition of PublicHealth stated, "Public Health is the scienceand art of preventing disease, prolonging lifeand promoting health and efficiency throughorganized community efforts for the sanitationof environment, the control of communityinfections, the education of individuals inprinciples of hygiene, the organization ofmedical and nursing services for the earlydiagnosis and preventive treatment of diseaseand the development of social machinerywhich will ensure to every individual in thecommunity a standard of living adequate formaintenance of health, so organizing thesebenefits as to enable every citizen to realize hisbirth right of health and longevity