出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:Background: Health is associated with varioussocio-economical issues which affectsaccessibility of a common man to the healthcare delivery systems.Cost analysis can be animportant element in setting levels of user feesand can help sort out important economicalissues. The present study was carried out tostudy the total cost borne in case of normaldelivery and caesarean section in varioushealth care settings and to compare them.Material & Methods: Personal interviews of101 women delivered either by normal (ND)or by caesarean section (CS) in Government,Corporation or Private Hospital or in Homewere taken. Information was collectedregarding the direct medical cost, direct nonmedical cost and the indirect cost wasanalyzed by using appropriate statisticalsoftware.Results: Mean of Total cost in case of normaldelivery was Rs. 575.13 (+ 172.04), Rs.1839.73 (+ 887.07), Rs. 3035.56 (+ 1538.32),and Rs. 812.27 (+ 658.21) in Government,Corporation and Private Hospitals and inHome respectively. Mean of total cost in caseof CS delivery was Rs 1823.67 (+ 801.13), Rs.4232.87 (+ 1135.94), & Rs. 9754.67 (+2450.28) in respective institutions. Significantdifference (p < 0.001) was found in total costamong above mentioned settings both for ND& CS. However after Post hoc analysis, nosignificant difference was found between totalcost of normal delivery at home and atgovernment hospital.Conclusions: The above analysis helped us toexplore the cost of delivery care in abovesettings.As there was no significant differencefound between total costs of normal delivery athome and at government hospital, peopleshould be motivated for the Governmenthospital deliveries instead of home deliveries.Further research on long term outcome needsto be done
关键词:cost analysis; direct cost; indirect;cost; delivery; hospital delivery; home;delivery; India