摘要:Purpose: The aim of the st udy was to analyze t he co mplex interaction of lifestyle-elements of school-aged children in Krasno yarsk (Russia), Lithuania and Grodno (Belarus) for inact ivit y o verweight and malnutrit ion t hat is ranked amo ng t he most frequent risk factors co ncerning t he healthy develop ment of children. Material and methods: Participant s from all co untries (n=3038) have complet ed a questionnaire in a classroom setting. The instruments used to assess different lifestyle areas: nutritional behaviour, media consumption and sports clu b membership. Results: The research is based on the hypothesis t hat the develop ment of adolescents` lifest yles is a co mplex process in which physical act ivity, eating habits and med ia consumpt ion play the major role. Krasno yarsk has the lowest percent age of over-weight and obesity, in Belaru s the percentage of underweight children increases with higher status. With regard to media consu mption, our data allow to differentiate televisio n consu mption (about four hours and more per day) on the one hand and co mputer co nsumpt ion. Belarus has the lowest position in this point . The degree of organizatio n in sport s clubs differ significantly amo ng the co untries. In Russia and Lithuania, the percentage is more below-average, but the percentage of children wit h a very high workload (three or more days per week) is extra high. Conclusions:Sig nificant differences concernin g health behavio r of children as well between the co untries as within the co untries were found. In all dimensions, gender-specific differences are most distinct in Belarus