摘要:Introduction: The history of palliat ive care dates back to the 1950s. Purpose: To examine the percept ions of hosp ice wo rkers and family members o f hospice pat ients related to hospice care in Podlaskie prov ince in Poland. Materials and methods: The present study included 103 hosp ice workers and 104 family members of patient s in hospice. The survey approach was used. Results: 56.7% families and 95.1% hospice wo rkers considered hospice co mprehensive care for t erminally ill patients. In all, 84.6% of the families and 91.3% of t he staff thought posit ively about hospice. Lack o f knowledge of family o n dying pat ients (43.3% families and 61.2% hosp ice wo rkers), low level of funding for ho spices (50% families and 64.1% hospice workers) and a small number of hospices and palliative care clinics (47.1% families and 53.4% hospice workers) are the most co mmo n problems in palliative care. According to 78.8% of the families and 84.5% of the staff, a specialist of palliat ive medicine sho uld work in hospice. 62.5% of the families and 75.7% of the hospice wo rkers were convinced that a nurse with a specializat ion should also work in hospice. According to 92.9% of the families and 96.9% of the staff, the p atient and their family receive suppo rt in ho spice. Conclusions: Mo st o f the respo ndents were co nvinced t hat hosp ice is an appropriate place for terminally ill pat ients. Lack of knowledge of family on dying patients, lo w level o f funding for hospices, a small number o f hosp ices and palliative care clinics are the most common problems in palliat ive care
关键词:ho spice; hosp ice wo rkers; families; ;perception