摘要:Introduction: Health behaviors are generally regarded as behaviors, which are related to t he health status of the individual. Purpose: To evaluate children k no wledge and healthy behaviors based on t he drawings. Material and methods: 605 children.s drawings were analyzed. The artworks were made using vario us techniques: torn paper collage, collage, wax scratch, coloring pages, painting using poster paint s and watercolo rs. Results: Most artworks present ed sport s. The remaining art works focused eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drink ing o f milk, sp ending a lo t of t ime in the fresh air, hand washing, fruit washing, brushing teeth, and street safet y. The children's drawings show t heir positive attitude towards healthy behaviors, includ ing good eating habits; physical activit y and perso nal hygiene. Conclusion: The artworks suggest that children know healt hy behavio rs