摘要:Purpose: This study reports the clin ical profile of children with abnormalities of the co rpus callosu m in magnet ic resonance imag ing (MRI). Materials and methods: Children wit h agenesis o f t he corpus callo sum (ACC), hypop lasia, and d ysgenesis were identified in a database of pat ients at the Department of Pediatric Radio log y. Medical reco rds were then systematically reviewed. Twenty brain MRI scans of children with abnormalities of t he corpus callo sum were chosen randomly andretrospectively analyzed. We also analyzed age, gender, motor develo pment, mental development, ep ilepsy, and conco mitant disorders. Results: The study group was composed of 2 0 children with various d iso rders (11 girls, 9 bo ys). The ages of the children ranged fro m 4 months to 17 years, with a mean age of 9.8 years. Almost all children were born at term. Mo re than half of patients 11(55%) had ACC, 6 children had hypoplasia of the co rpus callosu m hypoplasia and 3 patients had an absence of genu o f the co rpus callosu m o r splenium. Nine children had mental retardation. Fo ur patients had hydrocephalus and two had meningomyelo cele, while two patient s had Dandy-Walker syndrome and o ne had ho lo-prosencep haly. Three pat ients had headache. One patient had t ics syndrome and one Attention deficit-hyperactivit y disorder. Fifteen children had normal mo tor development, with three using a wheelchair, and two unable to sit and walk. Three pat ients had ep ilepsy. Conclusion: A spectrum of clinical presentations is apparent in children wit h abnormalities of the co rpus callosum