摘要:One of the most important element in health care information system is the effi ciently functioning e-prescription system. Basing on the international experiences, the paper is presenting the proven methods of communication between the project participants, the scope of transmission and the scope of information required for the correct functioning of e-prescription system. The achievements of the following countries in this fi eld have been presented: Denmark, Spain, USA, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Estonia, Gibraltar, Norway and Sweden. The analysis of the applied solutions in individual countries concerning e-prescription indicates many convergent elements in the individual projects, nevertheless it points to signifi cant differences in functioning of health care in individual countries. The applied solutions are adapted to the specifi c character of the legislation of a given country, however many of the elements of good practice or concepts can be used in other countries. The mechanism of e-prescription allows for effi cient buying of the prescribed drugs in a chosen drug stores, the analysis of the possible contraindications for dispensing a drug, effi cient functioning of the system of prescriptions monitoring, allowing for detecting and eliminating of prescription forgery. This makes improvement of rationalization in fi nancing of health care in a given country, possible
关键词:e-prescription; e-recepta; health care; informatics system; ochrona zdrowia; systemy informatyczne