Introduction. An attitude towards termination is one of the most controversial social issues. One of the stances taken by the Roman Catholic Church, and connected with the acceptable way of believers behaviour, is its strong opposition to termination of pregnancy. The liberalization or toughening of abortion laws were the subject of election campaigns of some political parties and the topic of TV ardent discussions. The circumstances, in which the termination would be lawful, have been changed many times in the past. Nowadays, in Poland the abortion in terms of law is regulated by the Act on Family Planning, Human Embryo Protection and Conditions of Permissibility of Abortion. This Act describes few circumstances in which the termination of pregnancy is lawful. The abortion problem affects mainly women, which is the reason why only women were tested in this study.
Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the dependence between religiousness, political preferences of young women and their current state of knowledge as well as attitudes towards Anti-Abortion Law.
Material and methods. The research has been conducted on a group of 200 women in age of 18-30 with the help of questionnaire. It has been carried out in the Lublin and Świdnik region at the end of June and the beginning of July. A self-developed questionnaire contained 24 questions. Participation in the test was voluntary and anonymous. The results were illustrated in a statistical analysis.
Results. The knowledge on the Anti-Abortion Law in the research group of young women is highly unsatisfactory. An insuffi cient knowledge on abortion regulations hinders the full use of possibilities which Anti-Abortion Law provides. Religiousness, social and political preferences are the factors which have an essential infl uence on the knowledge and attitude towards Anti-Abortion Law and abortion itself as a social problem.