The estimation data show that the number of the disabled in Poland is approximately 16% of the total number of the population. An increase is noted in the percentage of the disabled at productivity age and among the elderly, especially those over 60. The problems of the elderly and disabled are, and in the near future will be, one of the most important health and social issues. Due to the lack of a register of the disabled in Poland, there are no precise data concerning the size of disability, types and causes of body dysfunction resulting in disability. Studies in this area are most often of random or selective, and statistical data are of an informative character.
Studies of the problems of disability require the use of the definitions of disability, which are closely related with the problems of defining health and illness. Disability is a complex issue, which makes the unification of the nomenclature impossible. Usually, the selection of a definition adopted for scientific studies should be accurately ascribed to the study goal and the population examined.
The most frequent cause of the development of disability are chronic diseases (approx. 83%), followed by injuries and poisonings (approx. 11%), and genetic and congenital defects (approx. 6%). In our society, the number of the disabled from the social aspect has been increasing for more than 10 years.
Among the Polish population a change is observed in health trends, which delineate the directions of medical and social needs. This creates the necessity for the development of geriatrics and gerontology, changes in the principles of carrying out prophylaxis and health promotion, as well as rehabilitation in the environment of life, with a particular consideration of occupational rehabilitation. The development of occupational advice and the possibilities of providing employment for the disabled is the best method of utilizing the physical and mental capabilities of these people, and thus relieve the State of the necessity for financial benefits