The eating patterns differ considerably among the young. They very often use the diet as the way to emphasize their own independence and individuality. The factors which influence eating patterns among the young are: predominant eating trends, the peer pressure, lack of satisfaction as far as the appearance goes and observing changes in one's body, concentrating on one's own weight and the impact of the media (advertisements).
The aim of this work was to show what influence, if any, do advertisements have on eating habits of the young at the age of pubescence.
The research was conducted among 100 pupils at the age of pubescence. The tool was a self-prepared questionnaire.
The data obtained showed that advertisements influence on eating patterns of the young. It can be seen through the incorrectness in eating habits and the number of meals. Pupils unconsciously and irresponsibly react to advertisements which again is manifested through mistakes they commit when eating habits are concerned and through the high percentage of underweight teenagers