The aim of the study was to estimate women’s interest in health insurance schemes offered by a private fund (health insurance fund) as an alternative to the National Health Fund, and in non-public hospital services in obstetrics and gynaecology. The study was carried out at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Hospital in Lublin. The questionnaire developed by the authors, was used as a study tool. The questionnaire was given to patients at the end of their stay at the hospital. The participation in the study was voluntary. 413 women from two groups were studied: pregnant patients and women in early puerperium, hospitalised at the obstetrics and gynaecology ward. The results obtained from questionnaires were analysed using Statistica 6.0 computer programme.
In most patients’ opinion, non-public health insurance institutions should exist in the health care market as a competition and alternative to the National Health Fund. The highest level of interest in such services was observed among the youngest respondents, living in a city, well educated and with the highest income.
The authors observed high interest in the possibility of obtaining free treatment and parturition services at a non-public obstetrics and gynecology hospital. Fewer patients were interested in partly or fully chargeable services that such a hospital would offer on the Lublin market and they were mostly women living in a city, working intellectually, well educated and with a high family income.