The knowledge about the changes in the healthcare system is necessary not only to become a healthcare system client. In the first place, it should be sought, actualised and complemented by the healthcare staff. It is especially important for people working in direct contact with patients: doctors and nurses, to have up-to-date information.
The scope of knowledge on the changes in the healthcare system among the nursing staff employed in different types of healthcare institutions was investigated. Indirectly, also the preparation of the nursing staff to work in the reformed healthcare system was also evaluated. The research was conducted with the method of an anonymous questionnaire in 130 nurses.
Answering to questions, respondents assessed their knowledge on the above mentioned subject-matter. The respondents believed that the nursing staff did not have sufficient knowledge about the healthcare model in Poland. However, they to broaden the knowledge on the transformation were ready.
Most respondents, regardless of their place of employment, would like to learn more about service contracting. Over a half of the nursing staff believed that the implementation of the public health insurance system in Poland is justified, and a decided majority of the respondents positively evaluated freedom to choose an insurance fund and service provider. It can be stated that the nursing staff saw the necessity to introduce a reform in the healthcare system and accepted its principles, although they were not satisfied with its results. The nurses expressed their readiness to work in the reformed healthcare system, perceived the purposefulness of the changes, and were convinced about the necessity of additional training. The nurses employed in non-public institutions showed better knowledge of the new healthcare model, and were more independent.