期刊名称:International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:uthenticationisoneof the image security issuessolved byhash functionandanother one issue isprovidingsecurityforillegalmanipulationof digital imageis solved byanencryption.Anoptimized hybridimage security mechanism for authentication andsecrecyof imagesby means ofParticle SwarmOptimization(PSO) in daubechies4 transform isillustrated in this paper. This mechanismprovidesolutions to the issues such as authentication, robustness, security and statistical attacks.The PSOtechnique is employedtoselectfeature vectorsto formthe image hash andselect high energycoefficientsfor partial encryption.The shuffling ofbits,coefficients and blocks of an imageis performed byinterweavingtechnique.TheCompleteness of Signature (CoS) is used torecognize the imageas authenticor unauthentic.The image quality distortionis computed with help ofimage quality index metric(IQIM)with respect to three factors namelyloss of correlation, luminance distortion, and contrast distortion. Theexperimental results arecomputedwith respect toCoS,IQIM,PSNRand correlationcoefficientandpresented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme