摘要:This Study was conducted in Indian public and private service and manufacturing organizations to know the varying need pattern present in the executives. Simultaneously their perceptions regarding the effectiveness of their team were also collected using questionnaires. The collected data were analysed to explore the association between the Need Pattern and Team Effectiveness. A total of 65 samples were collected using two standardized scales. The NPS (Need Pattern Scale) developed by Sanghi (1998) and the TEAM (Team Effectiveness Assessment Measure) developed by Pareek (2002). Data analysis was performed with the help of SPSS 16 and Minitab to find out the relationship between the two variables and the relationship amongst the factors. Tests like correlation, Regression, ANOVA were used for the purpose. The detailed analysis of various factors have been performed and discussed in the light of literature
关键词:Need Pattern; Team Effectiveness; Cohesion; Confrontation; Need for Achievement; ;Need for Power