摘要:1]This book presents and discusses research studies on the relationship of "realized religion" to one's well-being, whether one's mental health, physical health, overall attitude toward life, or marital satisfaction. In providing this synthesis of research studies for the reader the book appeals to both the lay and the health professional reader.[2]The authors, a psychologist and a theologian, provide a solid foundation for the book by beginning with a definition of "realized religion", addressing the historical tension between religion and science, and defining the various types of prayer. The goal of this book is to answer the question -does being religious enhance one's health. They have met thatgoal with an affirmative "yes." As a nursing professional reviewing this book, I look for two important features in all studies of health. First, the study should be put in the context of the current health care delivery system where all treatment and intervention modalities are being scrutinized from an outcome. Second, the study should adopt an evidence-based research perspective. The substance of this book meets both criteria and can be used by patients, health professionals and policymakers to improve the health of different population aggregates in this country. Also, from a health professional's viewpoint, an asset of the authors approach is their frequent assessment of the methodological soundness of research studies they consider