This study investigated the physical and psychosocial effect of exergaming in community dwelling older adult women. In a pilot study consisting of a six-week baseline period and a six-week intervention period, participants (N = 11, mean age = 73.5 years, SD = 9.0) played Nintendo Wii Sports twice weekly. We measured full body movements using accelerometers, and assessed psychosocial effects through end-of-study focus group meetings. There were large self-reported psychological effects related to positive changes in self perception. The game-play deepened social connections within the group and provided a basis for shared experiences with younger aged family members. Physically, the game-play showed significantly higher maximum energy expenditure (t = -4.52, p < 0.05) than baseline, but no significant difference in overall energy expenditure. Findings from the quantitative data showed that Wii-play did not have substantial physical effects; nevertheless, qualitative data revealed that the participants perceived an improved sense of physical, social and psychological wellbeing.