摘要:The increasingly accepted way to analyse any media product is to consider production, textand audience processes. In a deceptively simple way, a television programme, for example,can be examined in the institutional, social and political context in which it is produced andwith respect to the organizational framework that provides its immediate productionenvironment. Second, its textual structures and strategies can be analysed using differentapproaches, such as structuralism or (in certain respects) content analysis. Third, the wayin which the audience understands (or decodes) the text can be considered, as can the make-up of the audience, in terms of standard factors such as class, gender, age, ethnicity and soon. There are many variations on this sort of approach.This paper starts from such a premise. It suggests that in addition to the wellformulated approaches to the study of the museum that focus generally on the institutionaland wider social context for museums, or on specific museums and the processes that occurwithin them, or on the much studied strategies for display and narration of texts, the audiencesfor museums are also important