摘要:Climate change is a complex environmental, cultural and political phenomenon that isreshaping the way we think about ourselves, our societies, relationships between socio-political and biophysical systems, and humanity's place on Earth (Hulme 2009). The scienceis clear: the Earth is warming (IPCC 2007: 2). But controversy continues to centre around thesignificance of the risks that climate change poses, the causes of warming based on thescience, the scale and pace of future impacts and what regulations, policies and investmentsmight obviate climate change locally and globally (IPCC 2001; Steffen 2006: 4; Hulme 2010;UNFCC 2011).This special issue presents the key research findings generated by the AustralianResearch Council international Linkage project, Hot Science Global Citizens: the agency ofthe museum sector in climate change interventions. Hot Science, an interdisciplinary project,operates within these gaps looking to the cultural sector and cultural institutions (naturalhistory museums, science museums and science centres) as agents for change and asplaces to provide information, activate, broker discussions and decisions around climatechange issues, locally and as part of trans-national coalitions