期刊名称:International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
出版社:International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
摘要:Instructors often teach in isolation with very little collegial interaction guiding their practice. In light of the research that exists identifying the value of collaboration within learning environments, the merits of such isolated practice must be questioned. Even thoughcollaboration within educational settings has been identified as criticalto the development of both instructors and students, highly collaborative approaches to team teaching have not been fully explored. The purpose of this study was to examine our own experience as team teachers in a team taught,educational psychology course. Through aphenomenological analysis of our lived experiences as instructors engaged in collaborativelyteaching an undergraduate course, we gained understanding ofthe benefits of team teaching within a broader context. Athematic structure emerged that captured ourexperience of the process of co-teaching. This sharedthematic structure consisted of one ground theme,named we didn't have a manual for this/finding our way through, and five themes, each providing insight into how we made sense of team teaching. The five emergent themes were (a) You can't shoot from the hip; (b) Following and leading . . . all of us together; (c) If we walk away disagreeing, is it okay.; (d) The presence of another pushed us to go deeper; and (e) You build something bigger. Implications for the use of teamteachingin higher education are also explored, highlighting the valueof collaborative praxis