摘要:Bu .al..mada, k¨¹lt¨¹r, medeniyet ve modernizm kavramlar.n.n k.sa birer tan.m. yap.lmaktad.r. .kinci a.amada k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹, ulusal b¨¹t¨¹nl¨¹.¨¹ tesis etme arac. olarak g.ren bak.. a..s. irdelenmektedir. ¨¹.¨¹ nc¨¹ a.amada k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹, kapitalizmin egemenlik arac. kabul eden anlay..lara de.inilmektedir. D.rd¨¹nc¨¹ a.amada k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹n birey ile toplum aras.ndaki ba. oldu.u g.r¨¹.¨¹ i.lenmektedir. Buna g.re bireysel ve toplumsal alandaki herhangi bir de.i.ime g.re k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹n de s¨¹rekli de.i.ti.i iddias. dile getirilmektedir. "Yaprak D.k¨¹m¨¹" isimli roman ve ayn. ad. ta..yan i ki televizyon dizisi konunun .rnek olay. olarak ..z¨¹mlenmeye .al...lmaktad.
其他摘要:This study begins with a brief discussion on culture, civilization and modernism. After that the article examines the perspective which accepts culture as the means o f establishing the national unity. In the third stage the article addresses the understandings of culture as means of so vereignty and of the capitalism. In the fourth stage the article co nsiders arguments on culture as the link between the individual and the society. The authors emphasize that changes in indivuals and the society is reflected as changes in culture. The novel "Yaprak D.k¨¹m¨¹" and two television series with the same name are analyzed as a case in light of these arguments
关键词:K¨¹lt¨¹rel de.i.im; modernizm; k¨¹lt¨¹r end¨¹strisi; karakter analizi
其他关键词:Cultural change; modernism; culture industry; character