摘要:The prevalence of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is high and the incidence is increasing among the Hmong community. To date, there have been few studies on NPC and other cancers in the Hmong population. The purpose of this study was to measure the knowledge of a rural Hmong community in California in regards to nasopharyngeal cancer. A questionnaire that evaluated knowledge of nasopharyngeal cancer was developed and given to 145 Hmong participants. The participants' knowledge varied with age and educational level but not with gender. Middle-aged generations had the highest level of knowledge on nasopharyngeal cancer. In contrast, low knowledge of NPC was revealed in the older generations. Participants with no school were the least knowledgeable about nasopharyngeal cancer. Those participants with the highest formal education were most knowledgeable about the disease. Hmong males and females are both knowledgeable of nasopharyngeal cancer. This study provides insights for public health practitioners regarding culturally-sensitive strategies to control the increase of NPC in Hmong populations.