摘要:Kalbos rei.kimosi formos – ra.ytin. ir sakytin. – skiriasi daugeliu lingvistini. dalyk.. Skiriasi ir j. fiksavimo bei analizavimo galimyb.s ir priemon.s. Ry.kiausias skirtumas – intonacija, kuri apima daug rei.kini.: kalb.jimo segmentavim. . prasminius-in -tonacinius vienetus, svarbesni. .od.i. i.ry.kinim., kalb.jimo tempo kait., emocij. rai.k.. Intonacija pras.iausiai atspindima .prasta ra.yba, nelengva j. ir mokslininkams tirti. Viena i. svarbiausi. s.kmingo tyrimo prielaid. – tinkamas specializuoto garsyno parengimas. Garsyno kūrimas skirstomas . kelis etapus: a) kuo .vairesni. sakytin.s kalbos pavyzd.i. .ra.ymas, b) .ra.. ir j. anotacij. (tekst. su tam tikrais simboliais u.ra.ytomis garsin.s kalbos ypatyb.mis) pritaikymas kalbos analiz.s programoms, c) .ra.. ir anotacij. susiejimas. Kiekvienam i. .i. etap. keliami tam tikri reikalavimai.Pasaulio kalbininkai intonacijai skiria nema.ai d.mesio, parengtas ne vienas garsynas, naudojamasi bendromis metodikomis (d.l to kalb. intonaciniai po.ymiai gali būti nesunkiai lyginami). Straipsnyje apra.oma intonuoto lietuvi. kalbos garsyno kūrimo metodika: gars. atitinkan.i. tekstini. anotacij. rengimo principai, lingvistini. ir nelingvistini. element. .ymos, aptariamos .od.i. akcentinio .li -jimo, frazi. ir sintagm. rib. nustatymo, login. kirt. turin.io .od.io, pagrindinio tono kaitos fiksavimo principai
其他摘要:The language manifests itself in both spoken and written forms. Spoken and written language forms are different in many linguistic respects and in the methods and tools they are acquired and analyzed. Intonation is one of the most important phenomena of a spoken language. It comprises the segmentation of speech into meaningful units, emphasis of key words, fluctuation in speech tempo, expression of emotions. Intonation is poorly represented by word orthography and thus poses many problems for intonation researchers. Specially prepared intona-tional speech corpus is a prerequisite for any serious intonation research. The process of compiling speech corpus can be divided into a few steps: a) acquisition and recording of prosody-rich utterances of spoken language b) description of the content of these utter-ances and utterance markup with tags that describe prosodic features c) automatically assigning timings to prosodic features (as a result of phone level annota-tion of intonational speech corpus). Every step in this process requires certain procedures to be observed and certain requirements to be met.Linguists of the world have built more than one intonational corpus, some common methodologies have been developed (this allows intonational fea-tures of different languages to be compared). This paper describes and discusses the process of building intonational annotated speech corpus of Lithuanian: tagging and labeling linguistic end extra-linguistic phenomena, cliticization, markup of phrase and sen -tence boundaries, determining and labeling logical stress, mark-up of fundamental frequency