摘要:The paper tries to understand the political development in India taking into consideration t wo important ideological stands. One is moderate ideology which is mainly professed by Congress party and the other is extreme ideology professed by Bhartiya Janata Party and Comunist partries in India. For this three states have been taken as a unit of study, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and West Bengal. These states are taken into consideration because Communists are in power in West Bengal, BJP in Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh is dominated by small parties like Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party replacing Congress from the state politics. The paper tries to analyze the role of ideology with reference to their performance in power politics. After independence the political scenario with its strong centralized orientation was dominated by Congress. Almost three decades after independence, Congress did not provide space to any other political party to occupy the seat of power. The opposit ion at that time was diffused. The situation may be analyzed in terms of two important aspects of constant regimes and variable regimes. The constant regime is represented by constant political parties and variable regime by variable parties. The constant parties may be categorized into twofold, one, constant party with power and second, constant party without power. The variable parties in the same way may be categorized into two: one, variable part ies with power and second variable parties without power. The character of constant parties may be defined as the national part ies which are dominat ing the national politics, with a substant iate domination in the states also. The variable parties are the one's whic h are regional in character, have effective role in state polit ics, may also hold seat of power at the state level. But at the national politics t hey may due to their critical number try to manipulate the balance of power and play effective role in power politics. Sometimes the variable parties bargain to get more. They are always important in the present socio-political and economic conditions