摘要:A new voice on the horizon of Indo-Anglian literature is that of Sonia Faleiro. A talented and promising writer among the new breed of writers, Sonia is a journalist and fiction writer based in Mumbai. In her maiden novel The Girl1 (2006), she has portrayed the torment and anguish of a lost soul yearning for love and security. The Girl is a sensitive story of a young girllin search of life's essential bonds that are missing in her life. Lonely and alienated, she is inclined towards inwardness, which further distances her from the life around her. The identity of the protagonist The Girl is not disclosed; throughout the novel an aura of mystery surrounds her. She is any girl who has faced much misfortune and loss in life. The effect that such pain has on her psyche is also dealt with in great detail by the author. Influenced to a great extent by the author's personal preferences, The Girl is a novel revealing Faleiro's own feelings of loss and pain when living in Edinburgh away from her family. The use of the macabre and gruesome like the sadistic tendencies of the Girl also reveal the aut hor's love of Japanese horror movies and the works of Agatha Christie. She herself accepts this fact, "I think one always puts a little bit of oneself in one's books, just like a fingerprint