出版社:American Sociological Association Section on Political Economy of the World System
摘要:This revie w covers a range of measures and metho ds frequent ly employe d in the empirical analysis of global income inequality and global income distribution. Diffe rent determinant factors along wit h the quant ificat ion of their impac ts and e mpirical results from diffe rent case studie s are presente d. A number of issues crucial to t he study of glo bal income inequal-ity are also addresse d. These are the concepts, measurement and decomposit ion of inequality, the world distribution of inco me and inequal-ity measured at differe nt levels of aggregation: global, international and intra-national. We analyze income at each of these levels, discuss the be nefits and limitat ions of each approach and present e mpirical re sults found in the lit-erat ure and compare t hem with those based on the World Income Ine qualit y Database. Rese arch on world income inequality sup-ports increased awarene ss of the problem, its measureme nt and quant ificat ion, t he ident i-fication of causal fac tors and policy measures that affect global income inequalit y