摘要:Ponovljena analiza distribucije IQ, izvedena ovog puta na uzorku ispitanika natprosečne inteligencije, pokazala je da je distribucija IQ, izvedenog prostom sumacijom iz rezultata u testovima efikasnosti perceptivnog, serijalnog i paralelnog procesora primenjenih na slučajnom uzorku od 160 ispitanika oba pola, starih od 19 do 21 godinu, čiji je IQ bio veći od 100, i dalje tetramodalna ako se IQ izvede iz rezultata u testovima transformisanim u diskretni mirror image oblik. Kako ni distribucija IQ izvedenog iz standardizovanih, ali ne i normalizovanih, rezultata u tim testovima nije bila ni aproksimativno normalna, ovaj je rezultat u skladu sa hipotezom da je normalna distribucija varijabli, kojima je pod linearnim modelom operacionalizovan konstrukt količnika inteligencije, posledica kumulativnih efekata nesistematskih faktora, a ne stvarne distribucije inteligencije u bilo kojim segmentima humane populacije.
其他摘要:Repeated analysis of IQ distribution, this time conducted on the sample of subjects with overmiddle intelligence, showed that IQ distribution, conducted by base summarizing of results in tests of efficiency of perceptive, serial and parallel processore applied on accidental sample of 160 subjects of both gender, aged from 19 to 21 years, whose IQ was higher than 100, and further tetramodale if IQ is taken from results of tests transformed in discret mirror image form. As IQ distribution taken from standardised, but nog normalized results of those tests, was not even approximatively normal, this result is harmonized with hypothesis that normal distribution of variables, by which is operationalised the construct of coefficiente of intelligence under linear model, is consequence of cumulative effects of unsistematized factors, and is not consequence of reral distribution of intelligence in any segment of human population.