期刊名称:Critical Approaches to Discoures Analysis across Disciplines
摘要:Against the background of corporate globalization and the discoursal integration of ecological issues by multinationals this paper examines how BP played down and took steps to minimize the effects of its Deep Horizon rig explosion in 2010. Using a combination of CDA methods and corpus linguistic techniques an empirical analysis is first given of a series of BP's press releases during the attempts to stop the oil spill. Various linguistic features, such as euphemisms and metaphors, are isolated. The manner in which BP presents issues of obligation and responsibility is discussed. A second empirical section considers how the aftermath of the spill, especially the 'restoration' of the Gulf, and BP's claims to be dealing with it is presented on BP's website. This can be seen as a case of how crisis communication is undertaken by corporations. A key feature that is illustrated is the role terminological control and word choice play in deflecting attention from real and potential troubles. A final generalizing discussion section provides a critical political-economic evaluation of the practices and media presentations that state and business corporate bodies engage in to conceal and obscure their real operations and intentions
关键词:CDA; corpus linguistics; corporate discourse; crisis communication; power