摘要:Fishers often rely on their social capital to cope with resource fluctuations by sharinginformation on the abundance and location of fish. Drawing on research in seven coastal fishing communitiesin Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico, we examine the effect of resource scarcity on the bonding, bridging,and linking social-capital patterns of fishers' information-sharing networks. We found that: (1) fishers'information sharing is activated in response to varying ecological conditions; (2) resource scarcity is anambiguous indicator of the extent to which fishers share information on the abundance and location of fishwithin and between communities; (3) information sharing is based on trust and occurs through kinship,friendship, and acquaintance social relations; (4) friendship ties play a key and flexible role in fishers'social networks within and between communities; (5) overall, the composition of fishers' social networksfollows a friendship>kinship>acquaintance order of importance; and (6) the function of social ties, internalconflict, and settlement histories moderate the effects of resource scarcity on fishers' social capital. Weconclude by arguing that the livelihoods of fishers from Loreto have adaptive capacity for dealing withfish fluctuations but little or no proactive resilience to address resource-management issues
关键词:Baja California Sur; bonding and bridging social capital; fishers' information-sharing;networks; resilience; social network analysis