摘要:The Haida Nation is involved in an integrated marine planning initiative in northern BritishColumbia, Canada. The Haida continue to occupy traditional territory in and around Haida Gwaii, or theQueen Charlotte Islands, and are engaged in a larger planning process for the Pacific North Coast IntegratedManagement Area (PNCIMA). This initiative is in the early planning stage, focused on capacity buildingand creating enabling conditions for co-governance. Court decisions, government policies, and a moderntreaty process are driving short- and long-term efforts to resolve issues of Aboriginal ownership and resourceaccess, both on land and in the ocean. As a result, the PNCIMA process is being led by two levels ofgovernment, First Nations and federal, reflecting changing perceptions of Aboriginal title and rights inBritish Columbia. The Haida have been resource owners and managers on Haida Gwaii for millennia, andcontinue to apply traditional knowledge and experience to marine-use planning and fisheries management.The Haida approach is place based and guided by fundamental Haida ethics and values such as respect,balance, and reciprocity. We describe these values and discuss the emerging role of First Nations inintegrated oceans management in the context of the six themes: lessons from land-use planning; thePNCIMA governance structure; the relationship of values to planning outcomes; developing an ecosystem-based management framework; applications of traditional knowledge, based on a study of Haida marinetraditional knowledge currently in progress; and linking marine planning at various scales. On Haida Gwaii,collaborative marine planning is expected to result in improved protection of Haida Gwaii waters for futuregenerations, greater Haida participation in management decisions, and increasing emphasis on sustainabilityof both local fisheries and communities