摘要:We contend there are currently two competing scenarios for the sustainable development ofshrimp aquaculture in coastal areas of Southeast Asia. First, a landscape approach, where farming techniquesfor small-scale producers are integrated into intertidal areas in a way that the ecological functions ofmangroves are maintained and shrimp farming diseases are controlled. Second, a closed system approach,where problems of disease and effluent are eliminated in closed recirculation ponds behind the intertidalzone controlled by industrial-scale producers. We use these scenarios as two ends of a spectrum of possibleinteractions at a range of scales between the ecological, social, and political dynamics that underlie thethreat to the resilience of mangrove forested coastal ecosystems. We discuss how the analytical conceptsof resilience, uncertainty, risk, and the organizing heuristic of scale can assist us to understand decisionmaking over shrimp production, and in doing so, explore their use in the empirical research areas of coastalecology, shrimp health management and epidemiology, livelihoods, and governance in response to the twoscenarios. Our conclusion focuses on a series of questions that map out a new interdisciplinary researchagenda for sustainable shrimp aquaculture in coastal areas