摘要:Addressing the environmental challenges of the 21stcentury requires substantial changes tothe way modern society views and manages ecosystems. In particular, many authors contend thatfundamental transformation of the largely sectoral, expert-centered ecosystem-management institutions ofmodern, Western societies is needed. There is increasing agreement that more adaptive, integrated,collaborative ecosystem-management approaches, interlinked at multiple scales, would improve society'sability to sustainably manage complex social–ecological systems. Therefore, understanding processes oftransformation, and factors that may enable transformation in ecosystem management, has become anactive research area. We explore ecosystem-management transformations using a social-innovationframework. Based on three local-level case studies of transformation in freshwater management, we providea pilot assessment of factors that may promote the emergence and adoption of integrated, collaborativeecosystem-management approaches. Our analysis suggests that ongoing environmental degradation,increasing environmental awareness, and shifting societal values are creating fertile ground for theemergence and adoption of new approaches to ecosystem management. Based on the case studies weexamined, we suggest that initiatives that foster environmental awareness and attachment to localecosystems, develop capacity for social entrepreneurship in the environmental arena, promote dialoguebetween key stakeholders, and provide institutional support to new institutions may facilitate the emergenceof integrated, collaborative ecosystem-management approaches
关键词:adaptive cycle; bridging organization; co-management; complex systems; ecosystem;management; social entrepeneur; social innovation; transformation