摘要:We reviewed construct validity in perception-based methods assessing status and/or trendof forest condition as applied in 19 empirical studies that evaluated the conservation impact of popularparticipation in forest management. Perception-based methods focus on eliciting peoples' assessment ofthe status and/or trend in forest condition or indicators of forest condition through interviews, surveys, orparticipatory rural appraisal techniques. We found that individual studies generally did not attend to theissue of construct validity in relation to each particular approach to perception-based assessment of statusand/or trend in forest condition. Furthermore, the studies provided very little documentation of the constructvalidity of the perception-based methods as applied to assessments of forest condition in the specific contextof popular participation in forest management. This scarcity of evidence implies that any support for theconstruct validity of these methods must be found outside the literature in which it was applied. A quickreview of the literature on local assessments, monitoring, and local ecological knowledge supports theconstruct validity of such approaches as applied in various contexts; however, we argue that this supportcannot be directly transferred to the context of popular participation in forest management. Accordingly,we conclude that there is a need for research to refine and validate perception-based methods as appliedin the specific context of popular participation in forest management
关键词:conservation; forest; impact; local ecological knowledge; validity