摘要:Most debates on government fisheries management, focusing on dramatic fishery collapses,have skirted the ethical dimension implicit in the exploitation, for private gain, of fishery resources thatare publicly owned. The privilege to fish, a conditional right often nefariously perceived as a legislated"right," implies ethical responsibilities linked to marine stewardship. To date, however, granting thisprivilege to fish has not been legally tethered to the fiduciary responsibilities of businesses to their clientsor governments to their citizens: sustainable management of fisheries and conservation of living marineresources. Legal rights must be coupled with moral responsibilities if governments, private fishingenterprises, and civil society are to conserve marine resources for present and future generations. Evolvinga social contract for ethical fisheries that explicitly mandates collaborative governance and corporateresponsibility can protect public goods and society's right to fish, both to eat and to exist in the sea
关键词:collaborative governance; corporate responsibility; fisheries management; fishing privileges;marine stewardship; public ownership; subsidies; tragedy of the commons