摘要:Mechanisms of compensation and reward for environmental services (CRES) are becomingincreasingly contemplated as means for managing human–environment interactions. Most of the functionalmechanisms in the tropics have been developed within the last 15 years; many developing countries stillhave had little experience with functional mechanisms. We consider the conditions that foster the originand implementation of functional mechanisms. Deductive and inductive approaches are combined. Eighthypotheses are derived from theories of institution and policy change. Five case studies, from Latin America,Africa, and Asia, are then reviewed according to a common framework. The results suggest the followingto be important conditions for functional CRES mechanisms: (1) localized scarcity for particularenvironmental services, (2) influence from international environmental agreements and internationalorganizations, (3) government policies and public attitudes favoring a mixture of regulatory and market-based instruments, and (4) security of individual and group property rights