摘要:This paper makes both a theoretical and empirical contribution to a better understanding ofhow specific forms of network governance play a crucial role in enhancing sustainable development inrural areas. Drawing on the literature on social capital and social networks, I argue that a region has toachieve a certain level of cohesion in the network structure among actors from different societal sectorsand governmental levels to strengthen rural sustainable development. However, to sustain positive regionaldevelopment in the longer term, network structures also need to guarantee fragmentation and flexibilityby including actors with varying views and interests. Empirically, the paper looks at the new policy ofregional nature parks in Switzerland. The policy provides a good test case for the theoretical argument,because it aims at taking a cooperative and network-oriented approach to enhance rural sustainabledevelopment. Two case studies demonstrate that regional park projects have in fact strengthened the verticalcohesion between government levels. Remaining fragmentation at the local level could be a hinderingfactor while further establishing a park project in the region. In the longer term, however, it could guaranteethe necessary flexibility to adapt to new ecological and socioeconomic developments that cannot be directlyinfluenced by a region itself
关键词:cohesion; regional nature parks; social network analysis; sustainable regional development;Switzerland