摘要:Interviews of tribal and nontribal residents of the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana,U.S., were conducted to contrast the meanings that different cultures attach to the Mission Mountains TribalWilderness. Legislation that created a national system of wilderness areas (in 1964 and still growing) wasconceived, supported, and enacted by a fairly distinct social group generally residing in urban areas andschooled in modern civilization's scientific model and relationship with nature. The places this legislationprotects, however, provide many other poorly recognized and little understood meanings to other parts ofsociety. There is a link between indigenous people and nature that is not described well in this legislationor management policy in most places. The Wilderness Act suggests that these protected areas should be"untrammeled," or unmanipulated, unfettered, when in fact it is common knowledge that, for most areasin North America, indigenous people have intervened, with respect, for generations. The Mission MountainsTribal Wilderness in Montana, though not part of the National Wilderness Preservation System, wasdesignated to protect many of these same values but also extend to protect important cultural meaningsassigned to this wild landscape. Protecting the relationship between indigenous people and relatively intact,complex systems, which we commonly refer to as wilderness in North America, can be an importantcontributor to sustainability of the landscape and cultural heritage
关键词:cultural resources; landscape meanings; protected area; public involvement; tribal land;management