摘要:The content, structure, and distribution of mental models can be elicited and measured usinga variety of methods. In this article we explore a method for eliciting mental models within the context ofwater use and management in South Africa. This method is consensus analysis, a technique developed incognitive anthropology. We used it to analyze qualitative data from semistructured interviews, pilesorts,and questionnaires to test quantitatively the degree of sharing and diversity of mental models within andacross social groups. The consensus analysis method focused on comparing the mental models of two keystakeholder groups in the Crocodile River catchment in South Africa, i.e., conservationists and irrigators,to better understand the level of consensus between these groups. We specifically investigated the level ofagreement regarding: (1) major water users of the Crocodile River, (2) causes of the current problems withflows in the river, (3) consequences of the river not flowing, and 4) priorities for future use. We discussthe results and examine the strengths and challenges of consensus analysis for eliciting and measuringmental models. We also evaluated the usefulness of this method in assisting natural resource managers toidentify strategies for improving integrated management of water resources
关键词:consensus analysis; mental models; South Africa; water management