摘要:Eliciting the economic benefits provided by protected areas is important in order to ensurethat they are properly considered in policy and decision making. There are relatively few studies that providea comprehensive overview of the economic benefits provided by European forest ecosystems, in spite ofthe large share of forests in the protected area system in most countries. An economic valuation of theecosystem services supplied by the Hoge Veluwe forest in the Netherlands is presented. The Hoge Veluweforest is one of the largest and most well-known protected areas in the country. The services included inthe study are wood production, supply of game, groundwater recharge, carbon sequestration, air filtration,recreation, and nature conservation. A conservative estimate of the total economic benefits generated bythe forest is around 2000 Euro/ha/year, which is more than three times higher than the per hectare-valuegenerated by nearby agricultural land. The study provides an analysis of the economic value of eightecosystem services, discusses the uncertainties of the value estimates, and examines the implications forfinancing protected area management