摘要:Transformation of the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan from forested to agricultural landscapes resulted in theformation of hundreds of lakes, the dynamics of which are largely controlled by inputs from irrigation runoff waters. Theimportance of the ecological and socio-cultural dimensions of one of these lakes, Shurkul, is discussed in order to understandthe connection between humans and their environment. Landscape is used as a boundary concept, and we combine quantitativemethods of the natural sciences with qualitative methods of the social sciences to assess these dimensions of the lake landscape.In the ecological dimension, Shurkul performs a wide range of ecosystem services from wildlife habitat and foodweb supportto the provision of fish, fodder, building material and grazing ground. In the socio-cultural dimension, the lake is part of localecological knowledge, functions as a prestige object and recreational site, and is rooted in religious beliefs of the population asa symbol of God's benevolence. The Shurkul landscape may thus create a feeling of environmental connectedness and the desireto act in favor of the natural environment, which could be made use of in environmental education programs
关键词:connectedness to nature; Central Asia; lake ecosystem; landscape; local ecological knowledge; perception; Shurkul;lake; social construction